Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A funny thing happened on the way to a Nats game...

Yesterday, I got to go the Nationals game with two good friends of mine. One of them had got free tickets through her work so we decided to go down to the game. It was a great time to see them (I will also be seeing them at camp too!!! SHOUT OUT!!)

ANYWAY...TJ and I were waiting for Martina to be able to leave work and so we were walking around the FANCIEST MALL I have ever seen in my life!! Seriously, there were stores in that place that I couldn't pronounce, that had lamps for $600 on CLEARANCE (50% off) was insane. It's the kind of place that I will cringe at if I were to walk in after the India trip.

Tucked in one of the corners, there was an American Express travel store. I walked in on a wim just to see if they had Indian Rupees. They did and the rate was about the same but of course I wouldn't have to pay a shipping charge if I was there to pick it I did.

I bought $200 worth of Indian Rupees and saved about $22 in the process. Horray me.

Just another exhibit of evidence that I'm obsessed with this trip. :) I am reminded of a song that we sing at camp called "One Pure and Holy Passion"...the lyrics are:

Give me one pure and holy passion.
Give me one magnificent obsession
Give me one glorious ambition for my life
To know and follow hard after you.........

I'm so excited to have my one pure and holy one magnificent obsession and this glorious ambition for my life! Pray for us as we seek to know and follow hard after Jesus....

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