Thursday, June 23, 2011


I never pass up a chance to introduce some friends to my favorite restaurant in the area, Bombay Junction. I found this restaurant by accident when one day Glen and I were in line at Wegman's (buying lots of Indian food) and someone asked if we liked Indian food. We responded "YES!" very excitedly. She then told us that she and her husband were the owners of a new Indian restaurant about a quarter mile from Wegman's. This past February, on the way back from a camp dean's training, Michelle and I stopped at Bombay Junction and we've been "aboard the spice train" ever since (All aboard the spice train is their slogan...I am not THAT cheesy to say that!!)

So yesterday, TJ and Shawn were at the house and we decided lunch would be a good idea. The only better idea? A trip to Bombay Junction. As I was pointing out different foods and their levels of spice to TJ and Shawn, a man behind the counter asked me how I knew so much about Indian food. I told him that I didn't know much but that I had been there twice and was moving there in September.

What followed was a 20 minute conversation about India, Indian food and life in general. It was awesome. I learned an awful lot about Indian food and even some about the restaurant industry (did you know that most Indian restaurants have buffets because they are showcasing their food for catering contracts, where they make most of their money!?!?)

I took it as an opportunity to tell yet another person about Carmel School and what they are doing there. One more down, 6 billion plus to go :)

P.S. Bombay Junction is in Mechanicsburg, just across from Super Shoes and about a quarter mile further than Wegman's (if you're coming from 581) should go (and tell me that you're going so I can see if I can go with you!!)

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