Friday, June 24, 2011

Roller coasters!!

I should tell you this story even though it's not really the point of the post.
In 2008, on our first trip to India...I got stuck on a roller coaster in India!! Yeah!! I know!
We were on a trip to Paravasa Ulugam, which is the Indian waterpark/amusement park that we take the kids to each year. There was a ride there that you laid on (on your stomach) and you were the ONLY one on the ride (or the "game", as they call it in India).

So, you lay on your stomach and then a very thin pulley/belt system lifts you to the top of a hill and then gravity takes over.

Well...apparently I am a behemoth of a man in India because I barely fit on the ride to begin with and I was going towards the straightaway I lost momentum and eventually just stopped....right there in the middle of a roller coaster track in Tamil Nadu.

A man came running out to my rescue yelling up to me in Tamil and then he took a hose type device and started to twirl it like a lasso! He wanted me to CATCH it!! He threw it, I caught it...and then he started walking me, like a dog, to the end of the ride. THEN...he decided he was going to make it fun for me and he started RUNNING so I would move faster and hit the turn at a fun speed. The whole experience was completely unforgettable. I loved it. It was hilarious and something that I will always remember.................

I bring up roller coasters because this has been a CRAZY ride. There are days I am so convinced that we can do it! That we can be successful in our goals...that we can raise enough funds and that we can glorify God through the work that we're doing............and then..............
And then there's days like today that I feel like we're so far away. I stop believing that we're going to raise enough money, I start to wonder what a group of people from a completely different culture can do for a culture that we're going to take half the time learning!

It's days like today that I have to lean on Jesus' words in Acts 1 when he says "You will receive POWER when the Holy Spirit comes upon you". I am forced to lean on those words because I don't feel so powerful all the time...but that is what has been promised. I am matter how I feel on any given day or at any given moment. I am powerful. Now if I could just act that way.....

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