Thursday, June 30, 2011

Time's a runnin' out... (Sort of)....

I had the chance to spend a few days with some amazing friends this week in Altoona. They are people who constantly challenge me to be better and people who I look up to for so much. We sat around and just talked on Tuesday night in the backyard. It was a great time. I can't even remember all that we talked about. We just talked...and told stories and laughed together and listened and reassured each other when we told stories that weren't so great or about difficult things in our lives.

One of the friends is leaving to move to France at the end of August (she's going to meet us in Rome when we go there for a few days!!!!!!) and as we were making plans to see each other again, the time factor started to creep in! I can't explain how many times I've said "We'll have to do that before we leave". It's starting to get to the point that unless there are a few 40 hour days thrown into the next 2 and a half months, we're not going to have time to do all the stuff we want to do!

I think for the first time, I started to know (more than just in my head) how difficult it's actually going to be to not see people while we're in India. Sure, there's Skype and that will be used. There's facebook and that will be used...even this blog will be used but we are DEFINITELY going to miss a lot of people. That will be the hardest part for sure! Again, I don't think I've ever been more in touch with Jesus' command to drop everything and follow him.

A note to our friends: If we DON'T get a chance to see you before we go...please know that we still love you and we'll see you when we get back! :)

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