Posted by Michelle
When I think back, I’ve always had a deep desire to serve others. I was just created with this longing to help. God always pulled me to great experiences. Way back when…when I was a teenager, I remember saying that I just want to go and fill sandbags somewhere. That opportunity just didn’t come. I did serve though. I served at church, I was voted most helpful by my graduating class, and I volunteered with my youth group. I was changed forever by the ministry at Wesley Forest United Methodist Church Camp and so that’s where I began serving on a bigger level. Each summer beginning in 1993 I spent a week as a counselor for an amazing elementary camp (which will happen next week at Wesley Forest by the way). Then years later, I would move up to co-director. And somewhere in there, I got married to someone who shared my passion for justice and serving others.
Two years later we found ourselves being trained by the AmeriCorps National Rapid Response Corps to serve in the midst of disaster. Little did we know that disaster would be the attacks of September 11, 2001. We also responded to numerous fires and 2 tornados. This was as close to filling sandbags as I thought I’d get.
Following our stint in disaster relief we both found ourselves serving as youth directors, Jason as a volunteer and me as a paid staff member. I grew so much as I served the youth at First Presbyterian Church of Clarkes Summit and as I served alongside of them.
I still wanted to fill sandbags.
I began to volunteer with the Conference’s Canoe Camp and LOVED that adventure, still do. Then I got the opportunity to serve adults at Aldersgate UMC “preaching” that community is best. It was 2008 and Jason and I went to Carmel for the first time! And after that, I began my current position as the Director of the York City Day Camp. And Carmel for a second time in 2010 and now onto 6 months of Carmel.
The reason I’ve recounted all this is because of a revelation I had tonight. I’m speaking at First Presbyterian Church in Renovo tomorrow and I was thinking about what I was going to say. It’s just me talking for 15 minutes and so I thought since I’m back home I’d start from the beginning…back when I wanted to fill sandbags. Here’s the kicker…I’ve been filling sandbags all along, I had no idea until tonight. Filling sandbags is about responding to a need, being right in the middle of it all, maybe where it’s scary and uncomfortable and maybe where you don’t have all the skills you should have, but being right there where people need you, right where God has called you to be. Filling sandbags is about causing a change to what’s happening around you. This is great news!!!!! I’m going to India and I’m going to be filling sandbags!!!!!
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