Thursday, July 21, 2011


So, 2 weeks of camp are down and time keeps marching on towards our departure date (Sept. 13). It is definitely starting to feel crazy, awesome, scary, exciting and everything in between!

We had a chance to speak at Aldersgate UMC this past weekend and I am incredibly humbled by the generosity of the people at that church. We spoke during each of the 4 services and then had a dinner that evening.

This was once again an incredible example of people just giving what they could and people giving what they had. Our friends and family went all out in helping us prepare that dinner and serve it and make it an incredible event. Our church family at Aldersgate gave generously towards our trip and gave what they could to show the children of Semmandakuppam that they are loved by people who are half-way around the world.

If you attended the dinner or Aldersgate on Sunday, THANK YOU! I can never thank you guys enough for being heroes to us and to those children who we love so much.

It has become pretty apparent to me that when you've GOT to trust, when you have no choice but to place your hope in God, you're not disappointed.

We haven't even left on the trip yet and I've already learned so much!
Come on, September 13!!!!!!!!!

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