That sign has a much deeper meaning of course than just a great house and some really cool "gadgets" in a house. I started to think about how far we've come as individuals, as a couple and now as a family.
For the past 2 and a half years since we have owneda house, we have been thrilled and honored and privileged to play host to lots of people. I think it was one of those unwritten rules that we had when we bought the house. We thought to ourselves "Okay...we'll buy a house but it's got to be a place where people can come, be themselves and share their lives with us...It's not just going to be bricks and a roof". We've done really well with that so far and I think that will continue. a result of that, our lives have been enriched by the people who come in and out of our home and I hope that in some ways their lives have been enriched as well. That happened all because two people fell in love.
And now India...
I don't know what kind of things we're going to accomplish. I don't know what we're going to even do on a day-to-day basis but what I do know is that because we are going to India...there are some kids there that are going to know beyond the shadow of any doubt that God loves them and that they are incredibly valuable in His eyes. They're going to know that people care about them and think they have unlimited potential. They're going to know this all because 2 people fell in love...
Is there anything better than this ripple effect? Could there be anything more perfect or more beautiful? I guess the "preacher" in me is thinking "PLEASE challenge yourself! PLEASE know that what you do makes a difference for the rest of your life but MORE IMPORTANTLY...for the rest of a lot of other people's lives. Please don't underestimate your incredible power. Whether you're moving to India or leading a VBS class or just doing the best you can with the family that God has given you...the decisions you make and the choices you choose matter so much.
Create ripples wherever you go!
And to think all this happened because two people fell in love...
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