Fundraising has become just one of those things that we've been doing....
We just received an update on where we are and we are within about 3,000 of our goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We're only 3000 away!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Without me even worrying about it! :) :) :) :)
It really is amazing what God does.
If you're reading this blog, you could DEFINITELY help us get even closer to our goal and we DEFINITELY would appreciate it.
Just click the button below our picture that says "support our ministry". That will lead you to a paypal page where you can donate online. If that's not your bag, baby (said like Austin Powers), then you can send a check to
Servants, Inc
268 W Beaver St, Suite 103
Hellam PA 17406
Please don't write our name on the check...please DO include a note that says this is for the Schwartzman mission.
These guys have been handling our finances and all that stuff and have been NOTHING BUT OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They're incredible!
Thank you SO MUCH for not letting me worry about this.
According to math, if half of my Facebook friends gave just 10 dollars, we'd be UNBELIEVABLY CLOSE to our goal and if a few gave more, we'd probably be OVER our goal!
THanks again, folks. I couldn't ask for better friends and family :)
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